Text Flash
It’s a brand-new tool to reach your customers by text. We all know that text messaging matters. Your customers are addicted to text messages. We all are. It’s almost impossible to ignore a text message. Why? Because texts are the most hyper targeted form of communication from people you care about. They form part of a digital conversation about the topics that matter most and keep people connected. Barry lets you: Create, proof, test, segment and blast in as little as ten minutes. This is marketing and communications agility at its best.
Don’t Assume Your Customers Love
your Text Blast Message – Nobody Does
You know that people hate text blast messages. Why? Because you are like everyone else on earth - you hate getting a generic text blast message. Our love for text messages is driven by our analytics. We know that a text message to a customer can be extremely effective at driving desired consumer activity. The numbers don’t lie. Text marketing is currently one of the most cost-effective, agile marketing tactics driving positive marketing ROI.